O'Connor Electorate Demographics (WA)
In the 2011 census the population of O'Connor was 150,389 and is comprised of approximately 48.6% females and 51.4% males.
The median/average age of the population of O'Connor is 38 years of age.
75.2% of people living in the electorate of O'Connor were born in Australia. The other top responses for country of birth were 5.4% England, 3.9% New Zealand, 1.1% South Africa, 0.8% Philippines, 0.7% Scotland, 0.4% Germany, 0.4% Netherlands, 0.4% Zimbabwe, 0.3% India, 0.3% Italy, 0.2% Ireland, 0.2% United States of America, 0.2% Australia , nfd, 0.2% China .
86.8% of people living in O'Connor speak English only. The other top languages spoken are 6.7% Language spoken at home not stated, 1.7% Other, 1.2% Australian Indigenous Languages , 0.5% Italian, 0.4% Tagalog, 0.3% Filipino , 0.3% German, 0.2% Other , 0.2% Mandarin.
The religious makeup of O'Connor is 28.2% No religion, 19.9% Anglican, 17.5% Catholic, 11.5% Religious affiliation not stated, 5.2% Uniting Church, 3.3% Christian, nfd, 2.9% Baptist, 2.4% Presbyterian and Reformed, 1.2% Churches of Christ, 0.9% Lutheran.
50.4% of people are married, 32.7% have never married and 8.5% are divorced and 3.3% are separated. There are 5956 widowed people living in O'Connor.
60.9% of the people living in O'Connor over the age of 15 and who identify as being in the labour force are employed full time, 27.0% are working on a part time basis. O'Connor has an unemployment rate of 4.5%.
The main occupations of people living in O'Connor are 19.1% Managers, 16.7% Technicians & trades workers, 12.6% Professionals, 12.4% Labourers, 11.3% Machinery operators & drivers, 10.7% Clerical & administrative workers, 8.7% Community & personal service workers, 7.1% Sales workers, 1.5% Occupation inadequately described/ Not stated.
The main industries people from O'Connor work in are 14.3% Agriculture, forestry and fishing, 10.1% Mining, 9.3% Retail trade, 8.6% Health care and social assistance, 7.8% Education and training, 7.6% Construction, 6.2% Public administration and safety, 6.2% Manufacturing, 5.6% Accommodation and food services.
33.5% of homes are fully owned, and 30.3% are in the process of being purchased by home loan mortgage. 32.4% of homes are rented.
The median individual income is $580 per week and the median household income is $1126 per week.
The median rent in O'Connor is $175 per week and the median mortgage repayment is $1500 per month.
The Commonwealth electorate of O'Connor contains postcodes 0872, 6225, 6243, 6244, 6254, 6255, 6256, 6258, 6260, 6262, 6306, 6308, 6309, 6311, 6312, 6313, 6315, 6316, 6317, 6318, 6320, 6321, 6322, 6323, 6324, 6326, 6327, 6328, 6330, 6333, 6335, 6336, 6337, 6338, 6341, 6343, 6346, 6348, 6350, 6351, 6352, 6353, 6355, 6356, 6357, 6358, 6359, 6361, 6363, 6365, 6367, 6368, 6369, 6370, 6372, 6373, 6375, 6383, 6384, 6385, 6386, 6390, 6391, 6392, 6393, 6394, 6395, 6396, 6397, 6398, 6418, 6419, 6420, 6421, 6422, 6423, 6424, 6425, 6426, 6427, 6428, 6429, 6430, 6431, 6432, 6434, 6436, 6437, 6438, 6440, 6442, 6443, 6445, 6446, 6447, 6448, 6450, 6479, 6484 and includes the suburbs of Adamsvale, Albany, Aldersyde, Amelup, Ardath, Arthur River, Babakin, Badgebup, Badjaling, Balbarrup, Balkuling, Balladonia, Ballaying, Bandya, Bandy Creek, Bannister, Bayonet Head, Beadell, Beaufort River, Beaumont, Beedelup, Beenong, Benjinup, Big Grove, Bilbarin, Binduli, Bobalong, Bodallin, Boilup, Bokal, Boodarockin, Boorabbin, Boorara Brook, Borden, Borderdale, Bornholm, Boscabel, Boulder, Boundain, Bow Bridge, Bowelling, Boxwood Hill, Boyatup, Boyerine, Boyup Brook, Bremer Bay, Bridgetown, Broadwood, Broke, Brookton, Broomehill East, Broomehill Village, Broomehill West, Bruce Rock, Bullabulling, Bullaring, Bullfinch, Bullock Hills, Bulong, Bulyee, Buniche, Caiguna, Callcup, Cancanning, Cape Le Grand, Carrabin, Carrolup, Cartmeticup, Cascade, Castletown, Catterick, Centennial Park, Chadwick, Changerup, Channybearup, Cherry Tree Pool, Cheynes, Chowerup, Coblinine, Cocklebiddy, Codjatotine, Collanilling, Collingwood Heights, Collingwood Park, Collins, Commodine, Condingup, Contine, Coolgardie, Coomalbidgup, Corinthia, Corrigin, Cosmo Newbery, Cowalellup, Coyrecup, Cramphorne, Cranbrook, Crowea, Cuballing, Cubbine, Cundeelee, Cuthbert, Dalyup, Dangin, Darkan, Dartnall, Datatine, Deanmill, Denbarker, Denmark, Diamond Tree, Dingup, Dinninup, Dixvale, Dongolocking, Doodenanning, Drome, Dryandra, Dudinin, Dulbelling, Dulyalbin, Dumberning, Dumbleyung, Dunn Rock, Duranillin, Dwarda, Eastbrook, East Munglinup, East Newdegate, East Pingelly, East Popanyinning, East Wickepin, Elachbutting, Elleker, Emu Flat, Emu Point, Ennuin, Esperance, Eucla, Ewlyamartup, Feysville, Fitzgerald, Forest Hill, Forrest, Forrestania, Frankland River, Fraser Range, Frenchman Bay, Gairdner, Ghooli, Gibson, Gibson Desert South, Gillimanning, Gledhow, Glencoe, Glenlynn, Glenoran, Gnowangerup, Gnowellen, Goode Beach, Gorge Rock, Grass Patch, Greenbushes, Green Range, Green Valley, Gundaring, Hannans, Harrismith, Hastings, Hay, Hazelvale, Hester, Hester Brook, Higginsville, Highbury, Hillside, Holleton, Holt Rock, Hopetoun, Howick, Hyden, Jackitup, Jacup, Jaloran, Jardee, Jelcobine, Jerdacuttup, Jerramungup, Jilakin, Jingalup, Jitarning, Kalgan, Kalgoorlie, Kambalda East, Kambalda West, Kangaroo Gully, Kanowna, Karlgarin, Karlkurla, Katanning, Kebaringup, Kendenup, Kenmare, Kentdale, King River, Kingston, Kirk Rock, Kojaneerup South, Kojonup, Kondinin, Kookynie, Koolyanobbing, Kordabup, Kronkup, Kuender, Kukerin, Kulikup, Kulin, Kulin West, Kunjin, Kurnalpi, Kurrenkutten, Kweda, Kwolyin, Lake Biddy, Lake Camm, Lake Darlot, Lake Grace, Lake King, Lake Muir, Lake Toolbrunup, Lake Wells, Lamington, Lange, Laverton, Leinster, Leonora, Lime Lake, Linfarne, Little Grove, Little Italy, Lockyer, Lol Gray, Londonderry, Lort River, Lower King, Lowlands, Lumeah, Madura, Magenta, Magitup, Mallee Hill, Malyalling, Manjimup, Manypeaks, Maranup, Marbelup, Marracoonda, Marvel Loch, Mayanup, Mcalinden, Mckail, Meerup, Menzies, Merilup, Merivale, Mettler, Middlesex, Middleton Beach, Millbrook, Mills Lake, Milpara, Mindarabin, Minding, Minigin, Mira Mar, Mobrup, Monjebup, Monjingup, Moodiarrup, Moojebing, Moonies Hill, Moorine Rock, Mordalup, Moulyinning, Mullingar, Mundrabilla, Munglinup, Muntadgin, Muradup, Murdong, Myrup, Nairibin, Nalyerlup, Nanarup, Napier, Narembeen, Narrikup, Narrogin, Narrogin Valley, Needilup, Neendaling, Neridup, Newdegate, Ngaanyatjarra-Giles, Nippering, Noggerup, Nomans Lake, Nornalup, Norseman, North Bannister, North Bodallin, North Burngup, North Cascade, Northcliffe, North Greenbushes, North Kukerin, North Lake Grace, North Moulyinning, North Stirlings, North Walpole, Nullaki, Nulsen, Nyabing, Ocean Beach, Ongerup, Ora Banda, Orana, Orchid Valley, Palgarup, Pallinup, Palmdale, Pantapin, Parkeston, Parryville, Peaceful Bay, Pemberton, Perillup, Perup, Piccadilly, Piesseville, Pingaring, Pingelly, Pingrup, Pink Lake, Pinwernying, Plumridge Lakes, Popanyinning, Porongurup, Port Albany, Pumphreys Bridge, Quairading, Qualeup, Quinninup, Ravensthorpe, Rawlinna, Redmond, Redmond West, Ringbark, Robinson, Rocky Gully, Ryansbrook, Salmon Gums, Sandpatch, Scaddan, Scotsdale, Scotts Brook, Seppings, Shackleton, Shadforth, Shannon, Sinclair, Sir Samuel, Skeleton Rock, Smith Brook, Somerville, South Bodallin, South Boulder, South Datatine, Southern Cross, South Glencoe, South Kalgoorlie, South Kukerin, South Kumminin, South Lake Grace, South Newdegate, South Quairading, South Stirling, South Yilgarn, Spencer Park, Springs, Stratherne, Sunnyside, Takalarup, Tambellup, Tarin Rock, Tenterden, Tincurrin, Tingledale, Tonebridge, Toolibin, Toompup, Torbay, Torndirrup, Townsendale, Trent, Trigwell, Turkey Hill, Ularring, Upper Warren, Vancouver Peninsula, Varley, Victory Heights, Wadderin, Wagin, Walgoolan, Walmsley, Walpole, Walyurin, Wamenusking, Wandering, Wandillup, Wansbrough, Warburton, Wardering, Warrachuppin, Warralakin, Warrenup, Wedgecarrup, Wellstead, West Beach, West Cape Howe, West Fitzgerald, West Holleton, West Kalgoorlie, West Lamington, Westonia, West Pingelly, West Popanyinning, West River, Westwood, Wickepin, Widgiemooltha, Wilga, Wilgarrup, William Bay, Williams, Williamstown, Willyung, Windabout, Windy Harbour, Winnejup, Wittenoom Hills, Wogolin, Woodanilling, Woogenellup, Woolocutty, Yakamia, Yanmah, Yeagarup, Yealering, Yellowdine, Yilkari, Yilliminning, Yornaning, Yornup, Yoting and Youngs Siding.