Bendigo Electorate Demographics (VIC)
In the 2011 census the population of Bendigo was and is comprised of approximately % females and % males.
The median/average age of the population of Bendigo is years of age.
% of the people living in Bendigo over the age of 15 and who identify as being in the labour force are employed full time, % are working on a part time basis. Bendigo has an unemployment rate of .
% of homes are fully owned, and % are in the process of being purchased by home loan mortgage. % of homes are rented.
The Commonwealth electorate of Bendigo contains postcodes 3364, 3435, 3437, 3440, 3441, 3442, 3444, 3446, 3447, 3448, 3450, 3451, 3453, 3458, 3461, 3462, 3463, 3464, 3472, 3515, 3516, 3522, 3523, 3550, 3551, 3555, 3556, 3557, 3558, 3559, 3570 and includes the suburbs of Argyle, Arnold, Ascot, Ashbourne, Avonmore, Axe Creek, Axedale, Bagshot, Bagshot North, Barfold, Baringhup, Baringhup West, Barkers Creek, Barnadown, Baynton, Baynton East, Bendigo, Benloch, Big Hill, Bradford, Bullengarook, Cadello, California Gully, Campbells Creek, Campbelltown, Carisbrook, Carlsruhe, Castlemaine, Chewton, Chewton Bushlands, Costerfield, Derrinal, Drummartin, Drummond, Dunolly, Eaglehawk, Eaglehawk North, East Bendigo, Eastville, Eddington, Edgecombe, Elmore, Elphinstone, Emu Creek, Eppalock, Epsom, Faraday, Fern Hill, Flora Hill, Fosterville, Franklinford, Fryerstown, Glenhope, Glenhope East, Glenluce, Golden Gully, Golden Point, Golden Square, Goldsborough, Goornong, Gower, Green Gully, Greenhill, Guildford, Harcourt, Harcourt North, Heathcote, Heathcote South, Hesket, Hunter, Huntly, Huntly North, Inkerman, Irishtown, Ironbark, Jackass Flat, Junortoun, Kamarooka, Kangaroo Flat, Kennington, Kimbolton, Knowsley, Kyneton, Kyneton South, Laanecoorie, Ladys Pass, Langley, Lauriston, Leichardt, Llanelly, Lockwood, Lockwood South, Long Gully, Longlea, Lyal, Macedon, Maiden Gully, Maldon, Malmsbury, Mandurang, Mandurang South, Marong, Mckenzie Hill, Metcalfe, Metcalfe East, Mia Mia, Moliagul, Moonlight Flat, Mount Camel, Mount Macedon, Muckleford, Muckleford South, Murphys Creek, Myers Flat, Myrtle Creek, Neereman, Neilborough, Newbridge, Newham, Newstead, North Bendigo, Nuggetty, Painswick, Pastoria, Pastoria East, Pipers Creek, Quarry Hill, Ravenswood, Ravenswood South, Raywood, Redcastle, Redesdale, Rochford, Sailors Gully, Sandon, Sebastian, Sedgwick, Shelbourne, Sidonia, Spring Gully, Spring Hill, Strangways, Strathdale, Strathfieldsaye, Strathlea, Sutton Grange, Taradale, Tarilta, Tarnagulla, Tarrengower, Toolleen, Trentham East, Tylden, Vaughan, Waanyarra, Walmer, Wellsford, Welshmans Reef, Werona, West Bendigo, Whipstick, White Hills, Wilsons Hill, Woodend, Woodend North, Woodstock On Loddon, Woodstock West, Woodvale, Yandoit Hills and Yapeen.