TaxStats for postcode 2548 FY2013

Postcode 2548 includes Berrambool, Bournda, Merimbula, Mirador, Tura Beach, Yellow Pinch in New South Wales, and is in the federal electorate of Eden-Monaro.

In FY 2013 the ATO recorded 4,335 individuals in postcode 2548. Of these people, 4,310 made a taxable income or loss. 3,240 of the population paid a gross amount of tax. After tax offsets, 2,765 people actually paid a net amount of tax. There were 1,545 non-taxable people who paid net tax of $0.

Compare TaxStats of 2548 with NSW

2548 TaxStats FY2013%Ppl#Ppl2548
Total Individuals100%4,335
Salary or Wage 63%2,720$41,798$113,689,560
Gross Interest64%2,755$2,725$7,506,543
Unfranked Dividends12%520$544$282,989
Franked Dividends36%1,565$5,302$8,297,354
Dividend Franking Credit36%1,560$2,277$3,552,308
Capital Gains6%275$7,990$2,197,214
Termination Payouts1%55$13,923$765,757
Tips/Directors Fees etc19%830$2,507$2,080,798
Business Income9%400$20,653$8,261,169
Foreign Income6%270$994$268,285
Government payments8%365$5,084$1,855,788
Government pensions14%615$8,713$5,358,233
Total Income or Loss100%4,320$42,979$185,667,971
Charitable Gifts26%1,120$380$425,582
Cost of Tax Affairs44%1,925$327$629,269
Work Car expenses15%655$2,026$1,326,849
Work Travel expenses5%235$1,836$431,511
Self Education expenses3%130$1,789$232,626
Total Deductions76%3,290$2,338$7,691,834
Taxable Income99%4,310$41,096$177,123,970
Medicare Levy 60%2,610$841$2,195,595
Medicare Surcharge 1%45$1,234$55,517
Gross Tax 75%3,240$9,409$30,486,026
Net Tax 64%2,765$10,655$29,462,110
Average Tax 100%4,335 $6,796$29,462,110
Gross Tax Rate 75%3,240 23%$30,486,026
Net Tax Rate 64%2,765 26%$29,462,110
Average Tax Rate 100%4,335 17%$29,462,110
%PPL is rounded Percentage of total individuals used in the average (AVG).
#PPL is the number of individuals used to calculate the average (AVG).
*Tax Rates calculated from Taxable Income.
*Treat each stat/line item separately. Columns while related do not total due to different numbers of people used in each calculation.

The average taxable income was $41,096. It is estimated that the average taxable income for people who paid a net amount of tax was $57354.

The average net tax paid was $10,655. This equates to an average tax of 26 cents in the dollar on taxable income.

The Medicare levy was paid by 2,610 people for an average of $841. 45 people paid $1,234 on average more for the Medicare surcharge.

2,720 people earned a salary or wage and took home an average of $41,798 each.

Government allowance and payments were collected by 365 people for on average $5,084. 615 people received the pension or other allowance.

Charitable gifts and donations of an average of $380 were made by 1,120 people.

The costs of tax affairs for 1,925 people were claimed for $327 each.