Blackburn Population (VIC)

In 2011 there were 12796 people living in Blackburn. 48.9% are male and 51.1% are female. Blackburn has a population of 10 indigenous people.

Blackburn Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females40.0%
Indigenous Males60.0%
Indigenous Population100.1%
Females born in Australia463836.2%
Males born in Australia443034.6%
People born in Australia906870.9%
Female Population654051.1%
Male Population625648.9%
Total Population12796100%

Blackburn (VIC) Population Pyramid

Blackburn Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 43602.8%3833.0%7435.8%
5 - 147996.2%7686.0%156712.2%
15 - 194073.2%3873.0%7946.2%
20 - 244543.5%3442.7%7986.2%
25 - 347475.8%7055.5%145211.3%
35 - 448626.7%10007.8%186214.6%
45 - 549247.2%9097.1%183314.3%
55 - 646625.2%7275.7%138910.9%
65 - 744393.4%5144.0%9537.4%
75 - 844053.2%5214.1%9267.2%