Mount Gambier (SA) Population

In 2011 there were 27756 people living in Mount Gambier. 48.6% are male and 51.4% are female. Mount Gambier has a population of 588 indigenous people.

Mount Gambier Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females3161.1%
Indigenous Males2721.0%
Indigenous Population5882.1%
Females born in Australia1229844.3%
Males born in Australia1163341.9%
People born in Australia2393186.2%
Female Population1427351.4%
Male Population1348348.6%
Total Population27756100%

Mount Gambier (SA) Population Pyramid

Mount Gambier Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 49773.5%9223.3%18996.8%
5 - 1419497.0%19707.1%391914.1%
15 - 199393.4%9383.4%18776.8%
20 - 248152.9%8233.0%16385.9%
25 - 3416395.9%17476.3%338612.2%
35 - 4417576.3%18646.7%362113.0%
45 - 5419156.9%20007.2%391514.1%
55 - 6416415.9%16536.0%329411.9%
65 - 7410153.7%11934.3%22088.0%
75 - 846652.4%7902.8%14555.2%