Lilley Electorate Population

In 2011 there were 145652 people living in Lilley. 48.8% are male and 51.2% are female. Lilley has a population of 2768 indigenous people.

Lilley Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females14001.0%
Indigenous Males13680.9%
Indigenous Population27681.9%
Females born in Australia5511437.8%
Males born in Australia5194635.7%
People born in Australia10706073.5%
Female Population7464551.2%
Male Population7100748.8%
Total Population145652100%

Lilley (QLD) Population Pyramid

Lilley Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 449563.4%45283.1%94846.5%
5 - 1484885.8%81195.6%1660711.4%
15 - 1946163.2%42072.9%88236.1%
20 - 2450313.5%50983.5%101297.0%
25 - 34110997.6%110947.6%2219315.2%
35 - 44109527.5%114097.8%2236115.4%
45 - 5493096.4%97696.7%1907813.1%
55 - 6475065.2%78675.4%1537310.6%
65 - 7446603.2%56333.9%102937.1%
75 - 8432152.2%44643.1%76795.3%