6343 VS WA TaxStats FY2013

Postcode 6343 includes Pingrup, Pingrup in Western Australia, and is in the federal electorate of O'Connor.

6343 VS wa
TaxStats FY2013
Total Individuals100%155100%1,447,975
Salary or Wage 42%65$31,55981%1,177,725$64,001
Gross Interest61%95$2,27354%786,285$1,944
Unfranked Dividends16%25$1307%103,835$731
Franked Dividends32%50$4,59919%272,815$8,098
Dividend Franking Credit32%50$1,97119%271,580$3,483
Capital Gains6%10$8,3574%56,235$28,519
Termination Payouts%0$2%34,105$12,991
Tips/Directors Fees etc6%10$4,71214%208,025$4,343
Business Income10%15$39,5098%114,120$27,394
Foreign Income10%15$5334%61,550$2,439
Government payments3%5$3,3135%73,670$5,112
Government pensions6%10$8,3645%65,410$9,408
Total Income or Loss100%155$46,573100%1,442,355$67,833
Charitable Gifts16%25$16632%460,915$473
Cost of Tax Affairs26%40$59946%671,195$434
Work Car expenses6%10$4,83222%323,710$2,293
Work Travel expenses3%5$3,8717%101,790$1,761
Self Education expenses3%5$3014%62,785$1,912
Total Deductions58%90$5,62382%1,190,150$2,868
Taxable Income97%150$42,23099%1,438,395$65,470
Medicare Levy 55%85$1,12973%1,059,935$1,218
Medicare Surcharge 3%5$1863%41,335$1,309
Gross Tax 68%105$15,10583%1,197,095$18,488
Net Tax 58%90$15,53977%1,118,205$20,279
Average Tax 100%155 $9,023100%1,447,975 $15,661
Gross Tax Rate 68%105 36%83%1,197,095 28%
Net Tax Rate 58%90 37%77%1,118,205 31%
Average Tax Rate 100%155 21%100%1,447,975 24%
%PPL is rounded Percentage of total individuals used in the average (AVG).
#PPL is the number of individuals used to calculate the average (AVG).
*Tax Rates calculated from Taxable Income.
*Treat each stat/line item separately. Columns while related do not total due to different numbers of people used in each calculation.