2748 VS NSW TaxStats FY2013

Postcode 2748 includes Orchard Hills in New South Wales, and is in the federal electorate of Lindsay.

2748 VS nsw
TaxStats FY2013
Total Individuals100%1,440100%4,008,250
Salary or Wage 74%1,070$54,66379%3,167,750$56,530
Gross Interest65%935$4,03758%2,307,660$2,474
Unfranked Dividends10%150$5679%346,070$932
Franked Dividends36%515$9,92827%1,084,485$7,291
Dividend Franking Credit36%515$4,25427%1,080,805$3,133
Capital Gains3%50$19,5514%159,050$19,075
Termination Payouts1%15$12,3722%64,895$18,357
Tips/Directors Fees etc19%275$7,96319%767,125$3,946
Business Income10%140$25,6279%367,950$23,926
Foreign Income4%60$3965%203,645$2,629
Government payments4%55$5,4307%262,510$5,416
Government pensions3%50$9,3755%211,850$9,473
Total Income or Loss100%1,440$61,348100%3,992,655$59,241
Charitable Gifts32%465$39136%1,449,725$611
Cost of Tax Affairs49%700$44250%2,010,455$396
Work Car expenses22%315$3,09023%929,835$2,740
Work Travel expenses9%125$2,56810%396,485$1,685
Self Education expenses5%70$1,4795%204,915$2,012
Total Deductions80%1,145$4,07381%3,232,415$3,197
Taxable Income99%1,430$57,90599%3,981,190$56,658
Medicare Levy 74%1,070$1,07669%2,783,655$1,093
Medicare Surcharge 1%20$2,2861%50,770$1,208
Gross Tax 82%1,180$15,25580%3,215,915$15,440
Net Tax 76%1,100$16,96774%2,950,735$17,210
Average Tax 100%1,440 $12,961100%4,008,250 $12,669
Gross Tax Rate 82%1,180 26%80%3,215,915 27%
Net Tax Rate 76%1,100 29%74%2,950,735 30%
Average Tax Rate 100%1,440 22%100%4,008,250 22%
%PPL is rounded Percentage of total individuals used in the average (AVG).
#PPL is the number of individuals used to calculate the average (AVG).
*Tax Rates calculated from Taxable Income.
*Treat each stat/line item separately. Columns while related do not total due to different numbers of people used in each calculation.