Warringah Electorate Population

In 2011 there were 146799 people living in Warringah. 48.2% are male and 51.8% are female. Warringah has a population of 407 indigenous people.

Warringah Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females2060.1%
Indigenous Males2010.1%
Indigenous Population4070.3%
Females born in Australia4727032.2%
Males born in Australia4411630.1%
People born in Australia9138662.3%
Female Population7598951.8%
Male Population7081048.2%
Total Population146799100%

Warringah (NSW) Population Pyramid

Warringah Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 452723.6%51083.5%103807.1%
5 - 1485875.8%82685.6%1685511.5%
15 - 1935082.4%33372.3%68454.7%
20 - 2437232.5%37912.6%75145.1%
25 - 34113707.7%121628.3%2353216.0%
35 - 44123568.4%132269.0%2558217.4%
45 - 5498576.7%103987.1%2025513.8%
55 - 6472715.0%80305.5%1530110.4%
65 - 7449463.4%56313.8%105777.2%
75 - 8427931.9%37092.5%65024.4%