Port Kennedy Population (WA)

In 2011 there were 14105 people living in Port Kennedy. 49.5% are male and 50.5% are female. Port Kennedy has a population of 224 indigenous people.

Port Kennedy Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females1160.8%
Indigenous Males1080.8%
Indigenous Population2241.6%
Females born in Australia456032.3%
Males born in Australia442931.4%
People born in Australia898963.7%
Female Population712950.5%
Male Population697649.5%
Total Population14105100%

Port Kennedy (WA) Population Pyramid

Port Kennedy Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 46654.7%5874.2%12528.9%
5 - 1413009.2%12719.0%257118.2%
15 - 196544.6%6294.5%12839.1%
20 - 244873.5%4803.4%9676.9%
25 - 348245.8%9176.5%174112.3%
35 - 4411418.1%12358.8%237616.8%
45 - 549296.6%9857.0%191413.6%
55 - 644753.4%4733.4%9486.7%
65 - 743062.2%2822.0%5884.2%
75 - 841521.1%1991.4%3512.5%