Forrestfield Population (WA)

In 2011 there were 11811 people living in Forrestfield. 49.4% are male and 50.6% are female. Forrestfield has a population of 338 indigenous people.

Forrestfield Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females1691.4%
Indigenous Males1691.4%
Indigenous Population3382.9%
Females born in Australia400133.9%
Males born in Australia394033.4%
People born in Australia794167.2%
Female Population597350.6%
Male Population583849.4%
Total Population11811100%

Forrestfield (WA) Population Pyramid

Forrestfield Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 44653.9%3613.1%8267.0%
5 - 147306.2%7276.2%145712.3%
15 - 194033.4%3863.3%7896.7%
20 - 244083.5%4203.6%8287.0%
25 - 348257.0%7996.8%162413.7%
35 - 448206.9%7656.5%158513.4%
45 - 547756.6%8467.2%162113.7%
55 - 647736.5%7876.7%156013.2%
65 - 743743.2%4583.9%8327.0%
75 - 842141.8%2982.5%5124.3%