Byford Population (WA)

In 2011 there were 7034 people living in Byford. 49.8% are male and 50.2% are female. Byford has a population of 120 indigenous people.

Byford Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females671.0%
Indigenous Males530.8%
Indigenous Population1201.7%
Females born in Australia250335.6%
Males born in Australia250035.5%
People born in Australia500371.1%
Female Population353250.2%
Male Population350249.8%
Total Population7034100%

Byford (WA) Population Pyramid

Byford Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 43905.5%3244.6%71410.2%
5 - 145638.0%5808.2%114316.2%
15 - 192333.3%2363.4%4696.7%
20 - 242723.9%2944.2%5668.0%
25 - 345648.0%5658.0%112916.1%
35 - 445177.4%5297.5%104614.9%
45 - 543985.7%4226.0%82011.7%
55 - 643124.4%3124.4%6248.9%
65 - 741582.2%1452.1%3034.3%
75 - 84691.0%811.2%1502.1%