Yangebup Population (WA)

In 2011 there were 7125 people living in Yangebup. 50.7% are male and 49.3% are female. Yangebup has a population of 155 indigenous people.

Yangebup Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females811.1%
Indigenous Males741.0%
Indigenous Population1552.2%
Females born in Australia237933.4%
Males born in Australia244134.3%
People born in Australia482067.6%
Female Population351449.3%
Male Population361150.7%
Total Population7125100%

Yangebup (WA) Population Pyramid

Yangebup Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 42884.0%2623.7%5507.7%
5 - 145607.9%4776.7%103714.6%
15 - 192824.0%2333.3%5157.2%
20 - 242563.6%2773.9%5337.5%
25 - 346308.8%5708.0%120016.8%
35 - 445397.6%5728.0%111115.6%
45 - 545127.2%5307.4%104214.6%
55 - 643264.6%3274.6%6539.2%
65 - 741432.0%1642.3%3074.3%
75 - 84610.9%821.2%1432.0%