Langford Population (WA)

In 2011 there were 5529 people living in Langford. 51.2% are male and 48.8% are female. Langford has a population of 157 indigenous people.

Langford Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females911.6%
Indigenous Males661.2%
Indigenous Population1572.8%
Females born in Australia121922.0%
Males born in Australia124322.5%
People born in Australia246244.5%
Female Population269848.8%
Male Population283151.2%
Total Population5529100%

Langford (WA) Population Pyramid

Langford Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 42103.8%2103.8%4207.6%
5 - 144037.3%3636.6%76613.9%
15 - 192113.8%1983.6%4097.4%
20 - 242394.3%1813.3%4207.6%
25 - 344969.0%4758.6%97117.6%
35 - 444397.9%4127.5%85115.4%
45 - 542955.3%2865.2%58110.5%
55 - 642785.0%3095.6%58710.6%
65 - 741773.2%1803.3%3576.5%
75 - 84681.2%661.2%1342.4%