Girrawheen Population (WA)

In 2011 there were 8334 people living in Girrawheen. 50.6% are male and 49.4% are female. Girrawheen has a population of 267 indigenous people.

Girrawheen Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females1361.6%
Indigenous Males1311.6%
Indigenous Population2673.2%
Females born in Australia220026.4%
Males born in Australia224126.9%
People born in Australia444153.3%
Female Population411849.4%
Male Population421650.6%
Total Population8334100%

Girrawheen (WA) Population Pyramid

Girrawheen Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 43564.3%3334.0%6898.3%
5 - 145786.9%5526.6%113013.6%
15 - 192883.5%2883.5%5766.9%
20 - 243384.1%2863.4%6247.5%
25 - 346617.9%6838.2%134416.1%
35 - 446077.3%5596.7%116614.0%
45 - 544925.9%5026.0%99411.9%
55 - 644655.6%4835.8%94811.4%
65 - 742973.6%2853.4%5827.0%
75 - 841071.3%1171.4%2242.7%