Mount Lawley Population (WA)

In 2011 there were 10703 people living in Mount Lawley. 48.6% are male and 51.4% are female. Mount Lawley has a population of 71 indigenous people.

Mount Lawley Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females400.4%
Indigenous Males310.3%
Indigenous Population710.7%
Females born in Australia332131.0%
Males born in Australia303728.4%
People born in Australia635859.4%
Female Population549651.4%
Male Population520748.6%
Total Population10703100%

Mount Lawley (WA) Population Pyramid

Mount Lawley Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 42562.4%2102.0%4664.4%
5 - 143853.6%5004.7%8858.3%
15 - 193142.9%4364.1%7507.0%
20 - 244834.5%5785.4%10619.9%
25 - 34112110.5%108010.1%220120.6%
35 - 447907.4%7116.6%150114.0%
45 - 547447.0%7266.8%147013.7%
55 - 645995.6%5865.5%118511.1%
65 - 742782.6%2852.7%5635.3%
75 - 841731.6%2212.1%3943.7%