Leeming Population (WA)

In 2011 there were 11093 people living in Leeming. 50.0% are male and 50.0% are female. Leeming has a population of 39 indigenous people.

Leeming Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females160.1%
Indigenous Males230.2%
Indigenous Population390.4%
Females born in Australia344931.1%
Males born in Australia346331.2%
People born in Australia691262.3%
Female Population554450.0%
Male Population554950.0%
Total Population11093100%

Leeming (WA) Population Pyramid

Leeming Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 42962.7%2562.3%5525.0%
5 - 147466.7%6555.9%140112.6%
15 - 195194.7%4724.3%9918.9%
20 - 245154.6%4313.9%9468.5%
25 - 345224.7%5124.6%10349.3%
35 - 446175.6%7316.6%134812.2%
45 - 548998.1%10449.4%194317.5%
55 - 649418.5%9108.2%185116.7%
65 - 743333.0%3102.8%6435.8%
75 - 841291.2%1431.3%2722.5%