Middle Swan Population (WA)

In 2011 there were 2704 people living in Middle Swan. 50.9% are male and 49.1% are female. Middle Swan has a population of 182 indigenous people.

Middle Swan Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females843.1%
Indigenous Males983.6%
Indigenous Population1826.7%
Females born in Australia83731.0%
Males born in Australia91133.7%
People born in Australia174864.6%
Female Population132749.1%
Male Population137750.9%
Total Population2704100%

Middle Swan (WA) Population Pyramid

Middle Swan Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 4853.1%893.3%1746.4%
5 - 141686.2%1355.0%30311.2%
15 - 19993.7%1033.8%2027.5%
20 - 241114.1%1334.9%2449.0%
25 - 342137.9%1646.1%37713.9%
35 - 441676.2%1696.2%33612.4%
45 - 541897.0%1766.5%36513.5%
55 - 641605.9%1786.6%33812.5%
65 - 741194.4%1204.4%2398.8%
75 - 84491.8%401.5%893.3%