Embleton Population (WA)

In 2011 there were 2737 people living in Embleton. 50.4% are male and 49.6% are female. Embleton has a population of 80 indigenous people.

Embleton Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females341.2%
Indigenous Males461.7%
Indigenous Population802.9%
Females born in Australia74127.1%
Males born in Australia77728.4%
People born in Australia151855.5%
Female Population135849.6%
Male Population137950.4%
Total Population2737100%

Embleton (WA) Population Pyramid

Embleton Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 4853.1%742.7%1595.8%
5 - 141395.1%1284.7%2679.8%
15 - 19823.0%843.1%1666.1%
20 - 241144.2%1104.0%2248.2%
25 - 342248.2%1967.2%42015.3%
35 - 442188.0%1957.1%41315.1%
45 - 541716.2%1696.2%34012.4%
55 - 641254.6%1134.1%2388.7%
65 - 741033.8%1114.1%2147.8%
75 - 84843.1%1013.7%1856.8%