Ashfield Population (WA)

In 2011 there were 1256 people living in Ashfield. 52.9% are male and 47.1% are female. Ashfield has a population of 56 indigenous people.

Ashfield Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females211.7%
Indigenous Males352.8%
Indigenous Population564.5%
Females born in Australia39331.3%
Males born in Australia42433.8%
People born in Australia81765.0%
Female Population59247.1%
Male Population66452.9%
Total Population1256100%

Ashfield (WA) Population Pyramid

Ashfield Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 4433.4%393.1%826.5%
5 - 14594.7%584.6%1179.3%
15 - 19383.0%332.6%715.7%
20 - 24463.7%342.7%806.4%
25 - 341159.2%1038.2%21817.4%
35 - 441058.4%876.9%19215.3%
45 - 54846.7%665.3%15011.9%
55 - 64806.4%614.9%14111.2%
65 - 74413.3%665.3%1078.5%
75 - 84423.3%342.7%766.1%