Ellenbrook (WA) Population

In 2011 there were 28800 people living in Ellenbrook. 49.1% are male and 50.9% are female. Ellenbrook has a population of 624 indigenous people.

Ellenbrook Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females3191.1%
Indigenous Males3051.1%
Indigenous Population6242.2%
Females born in Australia964233.5%
Males born in Australia926732.2%
People born in Australia1890965.7%
Female Population1465650.9%
Male Population1414449.1%
Total Population28800100%

Ellenbrook (WA) Population Pyramid

Ellenbrook Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 414535.0%13794.8%28329.8%
5 - 1426319.1%24998.7%513017.8%
15 - 199733.4%9473.3%19206.7%
20 - 247892.7%8833.1%16725.8%
25 - 3420927.3%24168.4%450815.7%
35 - 4424498.5%26389.2%508717.7%
45 - 5417135.9%17236.0%343611.9%
55 - 6410683.7%11373.9%22057.7%
65 - 746492.3%6712.3%13204.6%
75 - 842540.9%2710.9%5251.8%