Warrnambool Population (VIC)

In 2011 there were 28413 people living in Warrnambool. 48.0% are male and 52.0% are female. Warrnambool has a population of 453 indigenous people.

Warrnambool Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females2200.8%
Indigenous Males2330.8%
Indigenous Population4531.6%
Females born in Australia1294045.5%
Males born in Australia1185341.7%
People born in Australia2479387.3%
Female Population1478552.0%
Male Population1362848.0%
Total Population28413100%

Warrnambool (VIC) Population Pyramid

Warrnambool Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 49153.2%8773.1%17926.3%
5 - 1418406.5%17986.3%363812.8%
15 - 1911294.0%9993.5%21287.5%
20 - 249873.5%10003.5%19877.0%
25 - 3416295.7%16916.0%332011.7%
35 - 4416926.0%18336.5%352512.4%
45 - 5417866.3%20237.1%380913.4%
55 - 6416295.7%17766.3%340512.0%
65 - 7410593.7%12574.4%23168.2%
75 - 847112.5%10063.5%17176.0%