Sale (VIC) Population

In 2011 there were 14258 people living in Sale. 47.5% are male and 52.5% are female. Sale has a population of 231 indigenous people.

Sale Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females1270.9%
Indigenous Males1040.7%
Indigenous Population2311.6%
Females born in Australia620443.5%
Males born in Australia566039.7%
People born in Australia1186483.2%
Female Population748652.5%
Male Population677247.5%
Total Population14258100%

Sale (VIC) Population Pyramid

Sale Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 45183.6%5173.6%10357.3%
5 - 149646.8%9216.5%188513.2%
15 - 195323.7%5013.5%10337.2%
20 - 243912.7%4233.0%8145.7%
25 - 348586.0%9596.7%181712.7%
35 - 448095.7%9436.6%175212.3%
45 - 549206.5%10267.2%194613.6%
55 - 648075.7%8455.9%165211.6%
65 - 745183.6%6184.3%11368.0%
75 - 843362.4%4883.4%8245.8%