Narre Warren South Population (VIC)

In 2011 there were 28594 people living in Narre Warren South. 50.0% are male and 50.0% are female. Narre Warren South has a population of 109 indigenous people.

Narre Warren South Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females530.2%
Indigenous Males560.2%
Indigenous Population1090.4%
Females born in Australia905431.7%
Males born in Australia903731.6%
People born in Australia1809163.3%
Female Population1429450.0%
Male Population1430050.0%
Total Population28594100%

Narre Warren South (VIC) Population Pyramid

Narre Warren South Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 413134.6%12024.2%25158.8%
5 - 1427999.8%26589.3%545719.1%
15 - 1912814.5%11474.0%24288.5%
20 - 248573.0%8162.9%16735.9%
25 - 3417306.1%19446.8%367412.8%
35 - 4425308.8%27909.8%532018.6%
45 - 5419616.9%19486.8%390913.7%
55 - 6410873.8%10393.6%21267.4%
65 - 745381.9%5101.8%10483.7%
75 - 841740.6%1780.6%3521.2%