Doveton Population (VIC)

In 2011 there were 8404 people living in Doveton. 51.0% are male and 49.0% are female. Doveton has a population of 141 indigenous people.

Doveton Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females750.9%
Indigenous Males660.8%
Indigenous Population1411.7%
Females born in Australia181521.6%
Males born in Australia194823.2%
People born in Australia376344.8%
Female Population412049.0%
Male Population428451.0%
Total Population8404100%

Doveton (VIC) Population Pyramid

Doveton Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 43584.3%2753.3%6337.5%
5 - 145957.1%4985.9%109313.0%
15 - 193063.6%2563.0%5626.7%
20 - 243193.8%2793.3%5987.1%
25 - 346918.2%6437.7%133415.9%
35 - 445726.8%5356.4%110713.2%
45 - 544975.9%4935.9%99011.8%
55 - 644405.2%4675.6%90710.8%
65 - 742803.3%3344.0%6147.3%
75 - 841892.2%2693.2%4585.4%