Sunshine Population (VIC)

In 2011 there were 8838 people living in Sunshine. 51.1% are male and 48.9% are female. Sunshine has a population of 60 indigenous people.

Sunshine Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females230.3%
Indigenous Males370.4%
Indigenous Population600.7%
Females born in Australia197022.3%
Males born in Australia197822.4%
People born in Australia394844.7%
Female Population431848.9%
Male Population452051.1%
Total Population8838100%

Sunshine (VIC) Population Pyramid

Sunshine Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 42903.3%3093.5%5996.8%
5 - 144515.1%3814.3%8329.4%
15 - 192442.8%2002.3%4445.0%
20 - 244395.0%3534.0%7929.0%
25 - 3498411.1%8309.4%181420.5%
35 - 446607.5%6116.9%127114.4%
45 - 545135.8%4695.3%98211.1%
55 - 644314.9%4224.8%8539.7%
65 - 742442.8%2923.3%5366.1%
75 - 841802.0%2733.1%4535.1%