Airport West Population (VIC)

In 2011 there were 6959 people living in Airport West. 48.7% are male and 51.3% are female. Airport West has a population of 24 indigenous people.

Airport West Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females130.2%
Indigenous Males110.2%
Indigenous Population240.3%
Females born in Australia240734.6%
Males born in Australia231733.3%
People born in Australia472467.9%
Female Population356951.3%
Male Population339048.7%
Total Population6959100%

Airport West (VIC) Population Pyramid

Airport West Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 42153.1%2123.0%4276.1%
5 - 143455.0%2904.2%6359.1%
15 - 191632.3%1702.4%3334.8%
20 - 242493.6%1652.4%4145.9%
25 - 345247.5%5007.2%102414.7%
35 - 445217.5%5738.2%109415.7%
45 - 543915.6%4556.5%84612.2%
55 - 643505.0%4176.0%76711.0%
65 - 743014.3%3925.6%69310.0%
75 - 842764.0%3104.5%5868.4%