Preston Population (VIC)

In 2011 there were 29925 people living in Preston. 49.6% are male and 50.4% are female. Preston has a population of 275 indigenous people.

Preston Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females1390.5%
Indigenous Males1360.5%
Indigenous Population2750.9%
Females born in Australia888929.7%
Males born in Australia847228.3%
People born in Australia1736158.0%
Female Population1509550.4%
Male Population1483049.6%
Total Population29925100%

Preston (VIC) Population Pyramid

Preston Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 410593.5%9883.3%20476.8%
5 - 1415425.2%14494.8%299110.0%
15 - 196972.3%6832.3%13804.6%
20 - 2412064.0%11753.9%23818.0%
25 - 3427889.3%27389.1%552618.5%
35 - 4426208.8%26158.7%523517.5%
45 - 5419026.4%19406.5%384212.8%
55 - 6412904.3%13394.5%26298.8%
65 - 748853.0%10213.4%19066.4%
75 - 846382.1%8162.7%14544.9%