Carlton North Population (VIC)

In 2011 there were 6220 people living in Carlton North. 46.8% are male and 53.2% are female. Carlton North has a population of 23 indigenous people.

Carlton North Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females60.1%
Indigenous Males170.3%
Indigenous Population230.4%
Females born in Australia233237.5%
Males born in Australia199832.1%
People born in Australia433069.6%
Female Population330953.2%
Male Population291146.8%
Total Population6220100%

Carlton North (VIC) Population Pyramid

Carlton North Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 41492.4%1312.1%2804.5%
5 - 141843.0%1782.9%3625.8%
15 - 19861.4%841.4%1702.7%
20 - 243565.7%5018.1%85713.8%
25 - 3486613.9%96815.6%183429.5%
35 - 444397.1%4827.7%92114.8%
45 - 543145.0%3255.2%63910.3%
55 - 642403.9%3034.9%5438.7%
65 - 741552.5%1853.0%3405.5%
75 - 84951.5%1101.8%2053.3%