Grovedale Population (VIC)

In 2011 there were 14153 people living in Grovedale. 47.7% are male and 52.3% are female. Grovedale has a population of 163 indigenous people.

Grovedale Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females840.6%
Indigenous Males790.6%
Indigenous Population1631.2%
Females born in Australia612443.3%
Males born in Australia568540.2%
People born in Australia1180983.4%
Female Population739552.3%
Male Population675847.7%
Total Population14153100%

Grovedale (VIC) Population Pyramid

Grovedale Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 44493.2%4313.0%8806.2%
5 - 148976.3%8095.7%170612.1%
15 - 194813.4%4253.0%9066.4%
20 - 244683.3%4443.1%9126.4%
25 - 349666.8%10447.4%201014.2%
35 - 448966.3%9016.4%179712.7%
45 - 547715.4%9806.9%175112.4%
55 - 647825.5%9326.6%171412.1%
65 - 745523.9%5854.1%11378.0%
75 - 843142.2%5113.6%8255.8%