Mitcham Population (VIC)

In 2011 there were 14811 people living in Mitcham. 48.7% are male and 51.3% are female. Mitcham has a population of 31 indigenous people.

Mitcham Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females150.1%
Indigenous Males160.1%
Indigenous Population310.2%
Females born in Australia519535.1%
Males born in Australia497233.6%
People born in Australia1016768.6%
Female Population759151.3%
Male Population722048.7%
Total Population14811100%

Mitcham (VIC) Population Pyramid

Mitcham Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 45623.8%5193.5%10817.3%
5 - 149306.3%8065.4%173611.7%
15 - 193852.6%3722.5%7575.1%
20 - 243942.7%4142.8%8085.5%
25 - 3410837.3%11377.7%222015.0%
35 - 4412128.2%13018.8%251317.0%
45 - 549486.4%9876.7%193513.1%
55 - 647415.0%8305.6%157110.6%
65 - 745143.5%6504.4%11647.9%
75 - 843472.3%4062.7%7535.1%