Kilsyth Population (VIC)

In 2011 there were 10043 people living in Kilsyth. 47.8% are male and 52.2% are female. Kilsyth has a population of 54 indigenous people.

Kilsyth Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females290.3%
Indigenous Males250.2%
Indigenous Population540.5%
Females born in Australia407740.6%
Males born in Australia373937.2%
People born in Australia781677.8%
Female Population524152.2%
Male Population480247.8%
Total Population10043100%

Kilsyth (VIC) Population Pyramid

Kilsyth Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 43323.3%3133.1%6456.4%
5 - 145565.5%5445.4%110011.0%
15 - 193283.3%2892.9%6176.1%
20 - 243123.1%3143.1%6266.2%
25 - 346696.7%7377.3%140614.0%
35 - 446486.5%6326.3%128012.7%
45 - 546406.4%6766.7%131613.1%
55 - 645665.6%6926.9%125812.5%
65 - 744094.1%4554.5%8648.6%
75 - 842402.4%3263.2%5665.6%