Glen Waverley Population (VIC)

In 2011 there were 39204 people living in Glen Waverley. 48.8% are male and 51.2% are female. Glen Waverley has a population of 67 indigenous people.

Glen Waverley Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females320.1%
Indigenous Males350.1%
Indigenous Population670.2%
Females born in Australia929123.7%
Males born in Australia916523.4%
People born in Australia1845647.1%
Female Population2005851.2%
Male Population1914648.8%
Total Population39204100%

Glen Waverley (VIC) Population Pyramid

Glen Waverley Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 47922.0%7441.9%15363.9%
5 - 1424676.3%21845.6%465111.9%
15 - 1915814.0%14773.8%30587.8%
20 - 2416074.1%14203.6%30277.7%
25 - 3420605.3%19945.1%405410.3%
35 - 4422935.8%27317.0%502412.8%
45 - 5427837.1%30147.7%579714.8%
55 - 6421715.5%24556.3%462611.8%
65 - 7419004.8%21415.5%404110.3%
75 - 8411733.0%13343.4%25076.4%