Camberwell Population (VIC)

In 2011 there were 20029 people living in Camberwell. 46.9% are male and 53.1% are female. Camberwell has a population of 26 indigenous people.

Camberwell Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females220.1%
Indigenous Males40.0%
Indigenous Population260.1%
Females born in Australia764338.2%
Males born in Australia660833.0%
People born in Australia1425171.2%
Female Population1064153.1%
Male Population938846.9%
Total Population20029100%

Camberwell (VIC) Population Pyramid

Camberwell Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 44912.5%4942.5%9854.9%
5 - 1412846.4%13646.8%264813.2%
15 - 197443.7%7513.7%14957.5%
20 - 247053.5%7103.5%14157.1%
25 - 349894.9%9614.8%19509.7%
35 - 4411595.8%14267.1%258512.9%
45 - 5414357.2%16178.1%305215.2%
55 - 6412086.0%13176.6%252512.6%
65 - 747043.5%8124.1%15167.6%
75 - 844552.3%6043.0%10595.3%