Ulverstone (TAS) Population

In 2011 there were 14109 people living in Ulverstone. 48.3% are male and 51.7% are female. Ulverstone has a population of 872 indigenous people.

Ulverstone Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females4603.3%
Indigenous Males4122.9%
Indigenous Population8726.2%
Females born in Australia629344.6%
Males born in Australia594242.1%
People born in Australia1223586.7%
Female Population728851.7%
Male Population682148.3%
Total Population14109100%

Ulverstone (TAS) Population Pyramid

Ulverstone Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 44333.1%3852.7%8185.8%
5 - 148926.3%8806.2%177212.6%
15 - 195283.7%4263.0%9546.8%
20 - 243302.3%2882.0%6184.4%
25 - 345934.2%7005.0%12939.2%
35 - 447985.7%9226.5%172012.2%
45 - 5410067.1%10967.8%210214.9%
55 - 649676.9%10297.3%199614.1%
65 - 747255.1%8125.8%153710.9%
75 - 844363.1%5363.8%9726.9%