Rokeby Population (TAS)

In 2011 there were 3157 people living in Rokeby. 48.8% are male and 51.2% are female. Rokeby has a population of 254 indigenous people.

Rokeby Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females1414.5%
Indigenous Males1133.6%
Indigenous Population2548.0%
Females born in Australia144745.8%
Males born in Australia132942.1%
People born in Australia277687.9%
Female Population161551.2%
Male Population154248.8%
Total Population3157100%

Rokeby (TAS) Population Pyramid

Rokeby Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 41454.6%1314.1%2768.7%
5 - 142768.7%2518.0%52716.7%
15 - 191083.4%983.1%2066.5%
20 - 241043.3%1083.4%2126.7%
25 - 342056.5%2477.8%45214.3%
35 - 441855.9%2026.4%38712.3%
45 - 541775.6%1855.9%36211.5%
55 - 641946.1%2196.9%41313.1%
65 - 74902.9%1093.5%1996.3%
75 - 84481.5%501.6%983.1%