Launceston (TAS) Population

In 2011 there were 82220 people living in Launceston. 48.2% are male and 51.8% are female. Launceston has a population of 2313 indigenous people.

Launceston Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females12081.5%
Indigenous Males11051.3%
Indigenous Population23132.8%
Females born in Australia3591443.7%
Males born in Australia3317140.3%
People born in Australia6908584.0%
Female Population4260551.8%
Male Population3961548.2%
Total Population82220100%

Launceston (TAS) Population Pyramid

Launceston Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 427133.3%25373.1%52506.4%
5 - 1451676.3%50656.2%1023212.4%
15 - 1931293.8%29813.6%61107.4%
20 - 2430153.7%28983.5%59137.2%
25 - 3448585.9%52026.3%1006012.2%
35 - 4452236.4%57116.9%1093413.3%
45 - 5452556.4%57066.9%1096113.3%
55 - 6446685.7%50246.1%969211.8%
65 - 7430953.8%35694.3%66648.1%
75 - 8418322.2%25463.1%43785.3%