Birkenhead Population (SA)

In 2011 there were 1716 people living in Birkenhead. 49.0% are male and 51.0% are female. Birkenhead has a population of 63 indigenous people.

Birkenhead Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females382.2%
Indigenous Males251.5%
Indigenous Population633.7%
Females born in Australia68339.8%
Males born in Australia66738.9%
People born in Australia135078.7%
Female Population87551.0%
Male Population84149.0%
Total Population1716100%

Birkenhead (SA) Population Pyramid

Birkenhead Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 4482.8%492.9%975.7%
5 - 141196.9%1015.9%22012.8%
15 - 19593.4%533.1%1126.5%
20 - 24502.9%563.3%1066.2%
25 - 341056.1%1126.5%21712.6%
35 - 441438.3%1418.2%28416.6%
45 - 541398.1%1629.4%30117.5%
55 - 641106.4%905.2%20011.7%
65 - 74321.9%462.7%784.5%
75 - 84281.6%543.1%824.8%