Tranmere Population (SA)

In 2011 there were 3615 people living in Tranmere. 48.3% are male and 51.7% are female. Tranmere has a population of 11 indigenous people.

Tranmere Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females80.2%
Indigenous Males30.1%
Indigenous Population110.3%
Females born in Australia121733.7%
Males born in Australia112931.2%
People born in Australia234664.9%
Female Population186951.7%
Male Population174648.3%
Total Population3615100%

Tranmere (SA) Population Pyramid

Tranmere Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 41123.1%1052.9%2176.0%
5 - 142436.7%1975.4%44012.2%
15 - 191193.3%1283.5%2476.8%
20 - 241363.8%1393.8%2757.6%
25 - 341985.5%2216.1%41911.6%
35 - 442827.8%2857.9%56715.7%
45 - 542597.2%2827.8%54115.0%
55 - 641604.4%1935.3%3539.8%
65 - 741113.1%1594.4%2707.5%
75 - 84952.6%1133.1%2085.8%