Mount Barker Population (SA)

In 2011 there were 11809 people living in Mount Barker. 47.4% are male and 52.6% are female. Mount Barker has a population of 112 indigenous people.

Mount Barker Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females560.5%
Indigenous Males560.5%
Indigenous Population1120.9%
Females born in Australia505542.8%
Males born in Australia460939.0%
People born in Australia966481.8%
Female Population621452.6%
Male Population559547.4%
Total Population11809100%

Mount Barker (SA) Population Pyramid

Mount Barker Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 44473.8%4643.9%9117.7%
5 - 148427.1%8146.9%165614.0%
15 - 193703.1%4413.7%8116.9%
20 - 243603.0%4023.4%7626.5%
25 - 347266.1%7606.4%148612.6%
35 - 448146.9%9007.6%171414.5%
45 - 547166.1%8417.1%155713.2%
55 - 646755.7%7015.9%137611.7%
65 - 743693.1%4523.8%8217.0%
75 - 841981.7%3012.5%4994.2%