Palm Beach Population (QLD)

In 2011 there were 13956 people living in Palm Beach. 49.1% are male and 50.9% are female. Palm Beach has a population of 272 indigenous people.

Palm Beach Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females1401.0%
Indigenous Males1320.9%
Indigenous Population2721.9%
Females born in Australia552739.6%
Males born in Australia531838.1%
People born in Australia1084577.7%
Female Population711050.9%
Male Population684649.1%
Total Population13956100%

Palm Beach (QLD) Population Pyramid

Palm Beach Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 44233.0%4123.0%8356.0%
5 - 147805.6%7195.2%149910.7%
15 - 194393.1%3882.8%8275.9%
20 - 243952.8%4763.4%8716.2%
25 - 3410247.3%10537.5%207714.9%
35 - 449727.0%9847.1%195614.0%
45 - 549356.7%9907.1%192513.8%
55 - 648165.8%8516.1%166711.9%
65 - 745664.1%5914.2%11578.3%
75 - 843502.5%4583.3%8085.8%