Mount Isa (QLD) Population

In 2011 there were 20569 people living in Mount Isa. 52.8% are male and 47.2% are female. Mount Isa has a population of 3071 indigenous people.

Mount Isa Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females15977.8%
Indigenous Males14747.2%
Indigenous Population307114.9%
Females born in Australia694233.7%
Males born in Australia763537.1%
People born in Australia1457770.9%
Female Population971647.2%
Male Population1085352.8%
Total Population20569100%

Mount Isa (QLD) Population Pyramid

Mount Isa Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 49684.7%9184.5%18869.2%
5 - 1415927.7%15307.4%312215.2%
15 - 197643.7%6113.0%13756.7%
20 - 248694.2%7863.8%16558.0%
25 - 3419599.5%18318.9%379018.4%
35 - 4416147.8%14677.1%308115.0%
45 - 5414667.1%12716.2%273713.3%
55 - 649494.6%7163.5%16658.1%
65 - 744722.3%3571.7%8294.0%
75 - 841810.9%1790.9%3601.8%