Gladstone - Tannum Sands (QLD) Population

In 2011 there were 41966 people living in Gladstone - Tannum Sands. 51.6% are male and 48.4% are female. Gladstone - Tannum Sands has a population of 1591 indigenous people.

Gladstone - Tannum Sands Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females8111.9%
Indigenous Males7801.9%
Indigenous Population15913.8%
Females born in Australia1614038.5%
Males born in Australia1691440.3%
People born in Australia3305478.8%
Female Population2030248.4%
Male Population2166451.6%
Total Population41966100%

Gladstone - Tannum Sands (QLD) Population Pyramid

Gladstone - Tannum Sands Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 416934.0%16874.0%33808.1%
5 - 1432127.7%30997.4%631115.0%
15 - 1915783.8%14163.4%29947.1%
20 - 2415343.7%13453.2%28796.9%
25 - 3431557.5%29467.0%610114.5%
35 - 4433087.9%31687.5%647615.4%
45 - 5432637.8%29217.0%618414.7%
55 - 6423075.5%19084.5%421510.0%
65 - 7410292.5%10532.5%20825.0%
75 - 844741.1%5661.3%10402.5%