Mackay Population (QLD)

In 2011 there were 4072 people living in Mackay. 54.6% are male and 45.4% are female. Mackay has a population of 228 indigenous people.

Mackay Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females1062.6%
Indigenous Males1223.0%
Indigenous Population2285.6%
Females born in Australia124230.5%
Males born in Australia136533.5%
People born in Australia260764.0%
Female Population185045.4%
Male Population222254.6%
Total Population4072100%

Mackay (QLD) Population Pyramid

Mackay Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 41293.2%1363.3%2656.5%
5 - 142065.1%1603.9%3669.0%
15 - 19902.2%1152.8%2055.0%
20 - 242385.8%2295.6%46711.5%
25 - 3442210.4%3328.2%75418.5%
35 - 443518.6%2466.0%59714.7%
45 - 543648.9%2405.9%60414.8%
55 - 642345.7%1644.0%3989.8%
65 - 741162.8%922.3%2085.1%
75 - 84551.4%962.4%1513.7%