Jamboree Heights Population (QLD)

In 2011 there were 3057 people living in Jamboree Heights. 50.6% are male and 49.4% are female. Jamboree Heights has a population of 18 indigenous people.

Jamboree Heights Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females110.4%
Indigenous Males70.2%
Indigenous Population180.6%
Females born in Australia95531.2%
Males born in Australia99232.5%
People born in Australia194763.7%
Female Population151149.4%
Male Population154650.6%
Total Population3057100%

Jamboree Heights (QLD) Population Pyramid

Jamboree Heights Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 41284.2%953.1%2237.3%
5 - 141846.0%1645.4%34811.4%
15 - 191103.6%772.5%1876.1%
20 - 241113.6%1053.4%2167.1%
25 - 342518.2%2488.1%49916.3%
35 - 442608.5%2498.1%50916.7%
45 - 541876.1%1956.4%38212.5%
55 - 641785.8%2116.9%38912.7%
65 - 74852.8%862.8%1715.6%
75 - 84391.3%561.8%953.1%