Waterford West Population (QLD)

In 2011 there were 6160 people living in Waterford West. 48.8% are male and 51.2% are female. Waterford West has a population of 219 indigenous people.

Waterford West Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females1041.7%
Indigenous Males1151.9%
Indigenous Population2193.6%
Females born in Australia210634.2%
Males born in Australia200732.6%
People born in Australia411366.8%
Female Population315351.2%
Male Population300748.8%
Total Population6160100%

Waterford West (QLD) Population Pyramid

Waterford West Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 42794.5%2413.9%5208.4%
5 - 144297.0%4226.9%85113.8%
15 - 192774.5%2213.6%4988.1%
20 - 242413.9%2464.0%4877.9%
25 - 343986.5%4477.3%84513.7%
35 - 443665.9%4216.8%78712.8%
45 - 543545.7%3655.9%71911.7%
55 - 643175.1%3425.6%65910.7%
65 - 742173.5%2564.2%4737.7%
75 - 841051.7%1512.5%2564.2%