Forest Lake Population (QLD)

In 2011 there were 22426 people living in Forest Lake. 48.1% are male and 51.9% are female. Forest Lake has a population of 372 indigenous people.

Forest Lake Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females1900.8%
Indigenous Males1820.8%
Indigenous Population3721.7%
Females born in Australia715731.9%
Males born in Australia652829.1%
People born in Australia1368561.0%
Female Population1164951.9%
Male Population1077748.1%
Total Population22426100%

Forest Lake (QLD) Population Pyramid

Forest Lake Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 49554.3%9334.2%18888.4%
5 - 1417827.9%17127.6%349415.6%
15 - 198263.7%8894.0%17157.6%
20 - 247153.2%7413.3%14566.5%
25 - 3415677.0%17707.9%333714.9%
35 - 4418108.1%20399.1%384917.2%
45 - 5414636.5%16397.3%310213.8%
55 - 649124.1%9864.4%18988.5%
65 - 744842.2%5742.6%10584.7%
75 - 842060.9%2691.2%4752.1%