Ferny Hills Population (QLD)

In 2011 there were 8721 people living in Ferny Hills. 49.9% are male and 50.1% are female. Ferny Hills has a population of 87 indigenous people.

Ferny Hills Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females400.5%
Indigenous Males470.5%
Indigenous Population871.0%
Females born in Australia361341.4%
Males born in Australia358741.1%
People born in Australia720082.6%
Female Population436950.1%
Male Population435249.9%
Total Population8721100%

Ferny Hills (QLD) Population Pyramid

Ferny Hills Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 43423.9%3574.1%6998.0%
5 - 146387.3%5426.2%118013.5%
15 - 193183.6%2733.1%5916.8%
20 - 242492.9%2242.6%4735.4%
25 - 345316.1%5916.8%112212.9%
35 - 447808.9%7688.8%154817.8%
45 - 545636.5%5656.5%112812.9%
55 - 644825.5%5666.5%104812.0%
65 - 743433.9%2973.4%6407.3%
75 - 84820.9%1101.3%1922.2%