Mount Warren Park Population (QLD)

In 2011 there were 5665 people living in Mount Warren Park. 48.1% are male and 51.9% are female. Mount Warren Park has a population of 151 indigenous people.

Mount Warren Park Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females781.4%
Indigenous Males731.3%
Indigenous Population1512.7%
Females born in Australia206836.5%
Males born in Australia194934.4%
People born in Australia401770.9%
Female Population294051.9%
Male Population272548.1%
Total Population5665100%

Mount Warren Park (QLD) Population Pyramid

Mount Warren Park Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 42043.6%2023.6%4067.2%
5 - 143836.8%3736.6%75613.3%
15 - 192123.7%2324.1%4447.8%
20 - 241683.0%1773.1%3456.1%
25 - 343786.7%3886.8%76613.5%
35 - 444047.1%3746.6%77813.7%
45 - 543396.0%4287.6%76713.5%
55 - 643175.6%3305.8%64711.4%
65 - 741703.0%2053.6%3756.6%
75 - 841192.1%1642.9%2835.0%