Rosebery Population (NT)

In 2011 there were 3745 people living in Rosebery. 50.8% are male and 49.2% are female. Rosebery has a population of 235 indigenous people.

Rosebery Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females1253.3%
Indigenous Males1102.9%
Indigenous Population2356.3%
Females born in Australia138437.0%
Males born in Australia146139.0%
People born in Australia284576.0%
Female Population184149.2%
Male Population190450.8%
Total Population3745100%

Rosebery (NT) Population Pyramid

Rosebery Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 42175.8%2256.0%44211.8%
5 - 143399.1%3198.5%65817.6%
15 - 191213.2%1213.2%2426.5%
20 - 242095.6%1734.6%38210.2%
25 - 343689.8%41111.0%77920.8%
35 - 443399.1%3188.5%65717.5%
45 - 541824.9%1544.1%3369.0%
55 - 64852.3%762.0%1614.3%
65 - 74310.8%300.8%611.6%
75 - 84120.3%110.3%230.6%